
110326 Hoffman Ntt0752

I’ve worked as an independent photojournalist since the 1970s. It didn’t take long for me to discover that documenting the increasingly overt control of the state over our lives was what motivated me. I soon decided to run my own photo library, giving me the freedom to choose my own subject matter. My work sheds what some might see as an unforgiving light across racial and social conflict, policing, drug use, poverty and social exclusion.

Protest, and the violence that sometimes accompanies it, is a thread that has run throughout my career, and at one point gained me a reputation as ‘the riot photographer’s riot photographer'. Determination and a willingness to look uncomfortable realities in the eye underpin all of my work, from the metamorphosis of London’s East End to the documenting of homelessness, protest and oppressive policing. Some find the pictures raw and uncomfortable, but my intention is to document dispassionately and let the images stand as social challenge. By engaging with the image, we are forced to recognise the world as others live it and to consider our own position.

Documenting the reality of injustice, frequent state oppression and the all too often tragic consequences, my work has supported legal challenges, brought racist perpetrators to justice, and most importantly, reached wide audiences through mass media publication for more than 40 years.



Hoffman’s work is inadequate, expensive and lamentable.

George Galloway

Email me via the 'CONTACT' link or phone me on +44 7881 817 751.