Young teenage friend of black teenager Paul Erhahon on the estate in Leytonstone where he was murdered.
Young teenage friend of black teenager Paul Erhahon on the estate in Leytonstone where he was murdered.
Young teenage friend of black teenager Paul Erhahon on the estate in Leytonstone where he was murdered.
Young teenage friend of black teenager Paul Erhahon on the estate in Leytonstone where he was murdered.
Young teenage friend of black teenager Paul Erhahon on the estate in Leytonstone where he was murdered.
Young teenage friend of black teenager Paul Erhahon on the estate in Leytonstone where he was murdered.
Young teenage friend of black teenager Paul Erhahon on the estate in Leytonstone where he was murdered.
071124_ReclaimNight_024 Young man sitting on one of the bronze lions in Trafalgar Square, London November 2007.
Bengali youth from Tower Hamlets wait opposite the mosque after a protest against racism and fascism.
Bengali youth from Tower Hamlets wait opposite the mosque after a protest against racism and fascism.
Immigrant children picking through rubbish on waste ground looking for scrap to sell. Tower Hamlets Winter 1992-3.
Fieldgate Mansions, a 19th century tenement block due to be demolished in 1972 but preserved by squatters occupying it.